But this is incredible. My life this week has been a rage of different emotions. It started with WOW I don't want to go- to HECK YES let's go. And every now and then I get a little homesick. (miss you mom!!) But I love my new job. I am with an incredible family. I am a nanny on Tuesday's and Thursday's watching two- four year old boys named Cole and Luke. They are incredible with questioners. I have already picked up favorite lines like "Oh Man!" and "Why you look so fancy?" "Those are beautiful things you wear with your fancy clothes." LOVE THEM! We watched cartoons in spanish the other day. They don't speak spanish. But they will when Im done with them! :)
My sister graduated with her masters this week!
I got to be the family that is here! :) Brought flowers and a singing card! :) Who needs family when you have flowers!?!
I am excited about this week because a whole new part of the job really starts for me. I can't wait to see what else God has in store. I am on a journey that I completely feel peace about being here. I have a massage for tomorrow. (another perk for being a nanny) And hanging out with kris, the boss, her parents and the kids. Learning my way around has been fun! And this week I'll get a crash course on where every single park is in the area. YAY!
1 comment:
Never say crash course when talking about traveling~
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