Sunday, September 18, 2011

New thoughts and a growing person...

Never in my life would I have ever thought I would ...
One: be living in California.
Two: ever play the guitar at church.
Three: be working in research.
Four: been a nanny for a year.
Five: finally being honest with myself and achieving what I know to be right.

I have been thinking a lot lately about how I express my thoughts and feelings to others, and as I can tell- I really suck at it. Being honest with myself is a new profound concept that has not been easy to come by. I feel as though I am growing up and reaching new levels in my life; this feeling is new because before I thought I already knew who I was and what I wanted. These are levels I truly have wanted to seek and if they aren't then figuring out how to move forward letting go of old "goals" set jointly by others and myself and truly seeking the ones that matter to me. Emphasizing the word me is something I would have never thought I would ever do. I guess I should add that on my list as number six. I always put everyone else first. Not only in their needs but took their opinions about what I should do about my life before my own. Looking back, I am not sure I would have done my life the way I did. Not to say that I have regrets about my past, but I might have actually enjoyed the journey more than just skipping through the fun part.

I believe that every person has a journey. It is the choices that they make that creates the story. I am choosing not to write a fiction novel any more and coming to terms with the fact that I would rather have a documentary/reality t.v. show I actually enjoy watching than a fiction novel I am letting others write and collaborate for the ending.

So as a new start to my new chapter of reality, I will be blogging more often; because if I am honest with myself, I love doing it. :)

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