How does one obtain a third degree sprain?
The story of my accident is not that amusing. I like to make up stories to see what kind of reactions I can get. Such as: a motorcycle ran over my foot, I was running after a guy or stole my purse or I was on a safewalk and someone attacked me. Yet sadly, my story is only I fell down some stairs.
I am an RA (Resident Advisor) in Adams on OU's campus. We do one fire drill a year in which all RA's are required to work. Deirdre and I had floors 2 through 5 in McC tower. We just finished on floor five as we then were making our way down to four when I sliped and fell basically down the flight of stairs. I landed on my ankle. Papers went flying and Deirdre was trying to figure out if I was laughing or crying.
My ankle began to swell. It looked as though I had a golf ball stuck to the side of my ankle. Deirdra then preceeded to call the RD and CC to tell them of my mishap. I was then taken to the emergency room as they gave me a shot of morphine and took many x-rays.
Then Doctor George came back with a shocked look on his face explaining that it was not broken but severely sprained. I was then told to see a follow up doctor the next day.
As Friday came, I was able to get crutches so that walking was not my hoping anymore. I was shown how to use my crutches and told to use them until further evaluation of my ankle.
I then had an appointment with Doctor David Bobb. He put me in a light blue cast which I will wear for two weeks. Then I will get the privaledge of wearing a black space boot for 4 to 6 weeks after that with lots of therapy (to my ankle).
My friends have been amazing! They have brought me flowers and candy and even a stuffed dog named splint!
It has been four days since I have been casted and it is already starting to ich.
Great story?? Well maybe!
man, it stinks to be 10 feet tall - farther to fall.... haha. love you! you should be a pro in the ways of crutches by now!
hi there how is your ankle?I recently fractured mine and in a cast as well,itching and such a pain with the stupid crutches!Feel free to email me,,David.
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