Friday, October 5, 2007

National Conference

As a sophomore in college, I have obtained leadership positions such as: OU's Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) Chapter Vice President, PRSSA National Sub-Committee for Internships and Jobs, staff writer for PRSSA National FORUM, Resident Advisor and even volunteer as Edification Chair for my sorority, Sigma Phi Lambda.

As this years Vice President of PRSSA, I have been put incharge of trip planning. The first trip is to National Conference! October 19 through the 23rd as time is of the essence. Two girls and myself are going to spend these days together. Learning and soaking up anything that is thrown at us.

The next trip will be to Chicago in November. We will be traveling to atleast 5 PR firms, and then we will do some site seeing. This will be an amazing trip! Also, it won't be as expensive.

In the spring will be a trip to New York, which is still in the making.

For National Conference, I applied to have a interview with GM for an internship over the summer of 2008. Each internship they are offering sounds amazing. I cannot wait to hear more about what they are offering.

The one thing that I am most looking forward to is seeing my friends from National Assembly. I made good friends with the National Committee as well as some amazing individuals all throughout the US. I can't wait to get ideas from them and vice versa! See you in Philly!

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