I have come to figure out that going to church alone allows you to see the real church. Not through your friends eyes or anyone else's- just your own. Who will speak to you? Sit next to you? No one.
Church is supposed to be welcoming. A place to fellowship with other christians and to read and discovery the unique and divine word of God. And yet for some reason I felt far from that today. Last week I was in fear that I would feel that way. then I was surrounded by people who truly wanted to talk and invited me back, or wanted to give me the name of a church that I would love if this one didn't work. I also had a lady tell me my singing voice was beautiful and loved to hear me sing. I felt more "at home" there. Then this week I actually knew people who went to this church and was excited about going and then I had a worse time then ever. Who would have thought?!?

hey! not cool about church. i understand the looking. its not my favorite for sure.
i was hoping we could hang out sometime since you're around now. maybe get coffee or something. i have a blog too so let me know when you're free. :)
i hope the rest of your sunday has been better.
Awww no fun! I'm so sorry. I guess it's easy to get used to things being one way...
hoping you find the right fit for you soon! Just remember to keep your head up!
I know you're a light to those around you, even when you might not feel like they are looking :)
Love you!
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