Monday, August 9, 2010

Media and Music

I don't waste anytime getting involved in church here in Marin. I decided before I moved that church was going to make or break my moving situation. Therefore, within the first two days of arriving at my new house, I was asking around to where people were going to church and why they decided that was the church for them. Having support from the previous nanny, I was prompted to go to Marin Covenant. I did. This church is solely pushing forward for the kingdom of God rather than having the sanctuary filled and the budget met. I know the first time I went to church, the conversation wasn't about how great this church is and let me get you plugged in, it was more about my spiritual growth and concerned about my walk with Christ. They were about where I fit in not squeezing me into something that could work.

Because I am a nanny, I think about analagies in "child" form. For instance, remember when you were learning your shapes and you had to put the circle into the circular hole, and the hexagon into the hexagon whole? That to me is like church. Church is the big block that has holes of many shapes, your shape may not be in that particular block. And that's okay.

I found my block- not that I know what shape I am. I have gotten involved in the singles ministry and love it. I have a Bible study on Thursday nights, and I am helping with Sunday morning worship and media. Did I mention I have only been in California for less than three months? I have fallen in love with Christ all over again. I feel like I am experiencing God completely different, in a good way. I finally think my ears are open and I am starting to get things more clearly. Of course it is still mud, but a little brown. :)

Please continue to pray for everyday challenges, and that my decisions about my future are done through wise council and planning.

~Girl on a Mission

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