Monday, August 23, 2010

"Recalculating" Said in an English accent...

Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get.

Then when you bite into the wrong one, you then put it back half eaten and then continue to the next piece. As my pastor put it so nicely on Sunday... we are all driving down the highway and when God told you to turn, you didn't and your nice GPS comes on and says "RECALCULATING." Or what the GPS is trying to say "YOU IDIOT YOU MISSED YOUR TURN!"

In life, we may miss our turn or fall down, or fail. But it isn't the end of the road. There is always another way and the end destination is still apparent, it is how you get there that makes the difference.

Sunday service was excellent. I can still feel my heart melt as he talks about failures and all they include. The Father is still going to be there to pick you back up no matter what happens.

Here is the youtube video he showed that made all the women in the congregation cry:

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